22nd Dec 2015

Time to innovate

I have found starting a business to have many parallels to living with Multiple Sclerosis.  They both have many challenges and balancing issues.  Each step has to be taken carefully so not to make... read more

1st Jul 2015

Turbo boost

Glastonbury and Wimbledon.  It must mean summer has finally arrived!   The sun does seem to give a boost to many people; many more smiles. So far this year, my MS symptoms have caused my... read more

11th Jan 2015

Triple Tread Cheer – Happy New Year!

It’s the time of year when we often reflect on the year that has passed and look forward to future prospects.  Last year was very special for our growing family as we became grandparents... read more

14th Oct 2014

My Flat Battery

I attempted to do a small task the other day; it should have taken a minute but instead took several hours! I was using a cordless power drill to act as a simple screwdriver. ... read more

1st Jul 2014

A Twisting and Turning Pathway to Cycle Manufacture

Since securing I.P. we have been busy seeking funding pathways to manufacture the Triple Tread trike.   It takes a great deal of hard work and dedication to put a bid together for any type... read more

29th Apr 2014

Reflections of our launch at MSLife 2014

The public response to the Triple Tread was extremely positive and many people got involved in our market research. It was a joy to watch the immense pleasure that riding the trike gave to... read more

We are proudly funded by

Triple Tread

Enjoy independence, fun outdoors and freedom when riding Triple Tread®

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